Headquartered in SFO  -  Your  REMEDY Can Be Realized Virtually Anywhere!

REMEDY Education

Through  REMEDY  Education, we provide advocacy services to ensure each and every student has the opportunity to thrive and experience lifelong success. 

 Custom Packages May Include Any/All Of The Following: [AQ]

  Custom  REMEDY Plan [Curation of Documentation, Identification of Red Flags, and Action Items]

   REMEDY Learning and Habits Inventory

  Interview With Family, Student, Teachers, And/Or Other Professional(s)

  Explanation Of SST, 504, And/Or Special Education Evaluation Processes 

 Requests, timelines, evaluations, reports, eligibility, FAPE, etc.

  Documentation Review, Analysis, Interpretation, And Recommendations

  Standardized test(s), medical report(s), education/neuro/psychoeducational evaluation(s), SST, 504, IEP, etc.

  Vetting The Educational Benefits Of A Free, Appropriate, Public Education (FAPE) Offer

  Determination Of Individualized Programming Needs

  Pre-Meeting Planning Meeting Over Zoom

  In-Meeting Advocacy Over Zoom

  In-Meeting Advocacy On-Site

  Post-Meeting Debriefing And Follow-Up

  Conflict Resolution With Family And School Organization

  Settlement And/Or Mediation Advocacy

  Subject Matter Expert Witness

  Ongoing Advocacy

▶  Hourly Billing Rates:

  Up To 15-Minute Introductory Chat - Free! 

  Hours Accrued Up To 20 - $295 Per Hour

  Hours Accrued Over 20 - $250 Per Hour [over a 15% discount!]

  Other Incidentals:

  Driving time to and from in-person meetings are billed at a rate of $5o per hour

  Parking is billed for reimbursement at the exact expense

  Tolls are billed for reimbursement at the exact expense

A comprehensive estimation of costs will be provided prior to the initiation of any contracted services.

What  REMEDY do you need?

REMEDY Consulting - For Attorneys/Doctors/Educators/Organizations/Policymakers

REMEDY Education - For Parents/Guardians/Students

REMEDY Learning - For Students of All Ages

Request your FREE 15-minute Introductory Chat today!

If you cannot access any of the content or functionality of this website, need content provided in an alternative format, or have questions or concerns, please email us at info@remedyconsulting.org or call us at 415.322.0913.

© 2023 Remedy Coalition, LLC